
Showing posts from 2018

KNEC KCSE Grading System 2018 in Kenya

KNEC recently released the KCSE grading system they will use for the 2018 national examinations. The system is based on a numeric 12-point scale from 1-12 and an expanded letter grade ranging from A to E ( A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, D-, E ). The expanded letter grade means C+ is the 'pass' grade that allows students to join a public university. It is a grade most students can aim for when sitting for their exams. Many universities and employers consider grades C to E as insignificant nowadays. A is the best grade a student can strive to get. It takes a mixture of grades A- to B- for a student to enroll in a good university Percent Grade Points 80-100% A 12 75-79% A- 11 70-74% B+ 10 65-69% B 9 60-64% B- 8 55-59% C+ 7 50-54% C 6 45-49% C- 5 40-44 D+ 4 35-39 D 3 30-