List of Fake Degree Courses Rejected by CUE

The Commission for University Education (CUE) has rejected 133 courses offered in more than 20 Kenyan universities for being useless, shallow in scope, and unmarketable.
This means that approximately 10,000 students absorbed in the various universities might be forced to discontinue the courses, and the academic papers for those who have already graduated may not be recognized by prospective employers.
The commission is supposed to approve the various courses offered by Kenyan universities, however, the 133 identified have been termed as a way of making money with no career prospects.
The findings follow a CUE audit of the Kenyan universities carried out in 2018 in readiness for the 2019 placement.
According to the report, it was noted that many universities seem concerned about huge enrollment, and have given inaccurate details about their actual capacity, their resources, and the teaching staff solely for the purposes of minting cash.
Data from The Standard indicate that close to 30,000 openings in the universities have been removed by the CUE.
The Commission reported that only 134,075 of the 163,925 declared available capacity for public and private universities were approved.
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List of Fake Degree Courses Rejected by CUE

Some of the 133 courses scrapped by Commission of University Education include:
  1. Bachelor of Art (Homescience)
  2. Bachelor of science in Aerospace Sciences in Logistics
  3. Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Sciences in Piloting
  4. Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Security
  5. Leadership and Health Services Management
  6. Clinical Nutrition
  7. Public Health Nutrition
  8. Community Health and Development
  9. Bachelor of arts (history)
  10. Bachelor of Maritime Management
  11. Bachelor of Aviation Management
  12. Bachelor in Agricultural Economics
  13. Sc. (Biochemistry)
  14. Sc. (Botany)
  15. Sc. (Chemistry)
  16. Sc. (Mathematics)
  17. Sc. (Physics)
  18. Sc. (Zoology)
  19. BSc in Agricultural Biotechnology
  20. BSc in Agricultural Extension Education
  21. BSc in Science (Rural Sociology)
  22. BSc in Seed Science
  23. BSc in Soil Science
  24. BSc in Irrigation and Land Use Management
  25. BSc in Crop Production
  26. BSc in Food nutrition
  27. BSc in Dry Lands and Sustainable Agriculture
  28. BSc in Management
  29. BSc international Diplomacy
  30. BSc Community Health
  31. BA Economics
  32. BA Political science
  33. BA Banking and Finance
  34. BA Religion
  35. BA Real Estate Management
  36. BA Tourism
  37. BA Hospitality Management
  38. Bsc Range Land and Wildlife Management
  39. Bsc Peace Science
  40. Bsc Leather and Textile Technology
  41. BSc Linguistics
  42. BA Anthropology
  43. Bsc Sport Science
  44. BA Mass Communication
  45. Life science
  46. BA Marriage Counselling.
  47. BA Conflict Management
  48. BA Front Office Management

Universities and the Respective Number of Courses Rejected

The hardest hit among the universities is Tom Mboya University College. It was noted that the school has 25 useless courses. Others include:
  • Garissa University – 10
  • Alupe University College – 10
  • Kenya Highlands Evangelical University – 7
  • Lukenya University – 6
  • Kisii University – 5
  • Kenyatta University – 4
  • Dedan Kimathi University of Technology – 4
  • Moi University – 3
  • Kabarak University – 2
Other universities have also been busted for offering programs that weren’t approved by their respective senates. There are also those given a go-ahead by the CUE but have no enrollment so far. Universities with questionable courses include:
  • University of Embu – 6
  • Turkana University College – 5
  • The East African University – 4
  • Technical University of Mombasa – 2
  • University of East African Baraton – 2
  • Karatina University – 4
  • Great Lake University of Kisumu – 8
  • African University – 3
  • Bomet University College – 1
  • Catholic University of East Africa – 2
  • Co-Operative University of Kenya – 3
  • Gretsa University – 1
  • Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Institute of Science and Technology – 6
  • Kenya Methodist University – 2
CUE has warned against the placement of students in each of the courses identified in the universities. It also follows that the three courses rejected at Mama Ngina University are as a result of the institution not being an accredited university college.
Alupe University College will see no enrollment as all the courses offered have been rejected by the Commission.



  1. Za moi hizo tatu ni gani, thanks

  2. Thanks for your updates.... Plz let's encourage our siblings and friends to avoid simply mistakes......who has ever to heard of a job vacancy for those we
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